A wisecracking detective returns to Stockton

If I were running Hell, I’d reserve the toastiest part for self-published authors. Satan would make them read each other’s books. Yet once in a great while a self-published book comes along that is not the bane of one’s existence. Not only is “Old Debts” such a welcome exception, it’s set in Stockton. “My wife…

Arresting AngelAnn: Strictly law, or politics?

The April 19 arrest of Stockton Unified trustee AngelAnn Flores on felony charges of embezzlement and other offenses raises unsettling questions not only about Flores but county law enforcement. Flores was a whistleblower and a reformer. She alone on Stockton Unified School District’s board fought a $7 million bogus air filter scam. She fought the…

Eulogy for the Strawberry Man

Ee Fong “David” Saelee, a Southeast Asian refugee who found success in Stockton despite crushing setbacks that would have defeated a lesser man, died April 9 in a farming accident. He was 63.  You may know Saelee as the strawberry peddler with the popular stand at Davis and Eight Mile roads. Saelee was also a…